
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

today i was a conformist. i may have enjoyed it--just a little:)

Today i was indeed a conformist. I usually don't encourage this type of In fact I'm the quirky girl who wears her bun on top of her head with shorts, flower rain boots and striped socks coming up to her thighs to youth group on wednesday nights--when it's 50 degrees outside. So you see, I'm usually not in habbit of conforming--no matter how cold it is outside;) But today was not like most days and i opted to conform. I purchased a hair feather...yes i did. I'm actually pretty sure just last week i was bashing this popular new fad, but something came over me and i gave in:) Still not quite sure if this is a good thing or if i'll be able to pull it off--but it sure felt nice.

By the way, the lovely picture at the top--that was all my amazing sister ashlyn who was totally blessed with photography skills:)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

this corner of mine.

Today was a drive with the windows down, missy higgins blaring from the radio (and of course some of my other favorite "coffee shop" artists--ingrid michaelson, trent dabbs, regina spektor, imogen heap, among a multitude of others--and that was only on one c.d., i may or may not have like 100 more that hold more big deal.),wear my hair curly because that's what it was doing when i woke up, wear my favorite jeans and hoodie, be tired and cold, start a new blog kind of day...because really, we all have a story to tell and i thought i'd share mine with you--my crazy, broken, yet beautiful story. So that's what this is and will be--a place you can come and see the  beauty in the everyday life of a broken young lady made beautiful by the One who loved her first--and maybe come to appreciate and love alternative music artists like i do(ha!)

just discovered her. ellie goulding everyone. love.