
Monday, March 26, 2012

Real men don't rape.

1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime.

Rapists cause rape, okay?! I am tired of our culture making rape seem as though it is plaudible if the women are "asking for it". Rape is NOT okay, it doesn't matter how charming we come off as as women or how sexy we've adorned ourselves or how much we've had to drink. Rape is not okay, ever...No means no and silence is certainly not the new way to say yes.

Jayce Duggard, the girl who was kidnapped as a small girl and then raped as a teenager multiple times, she is the "picture" of rape I grew up with. The sick mid-aged man who has a fetish over teen-age girls and shoves them into the back of his truck, he is what I used to label as a rapist. But as I have gotten older, life has forced me to see reality and the reality of it is that rapists can also look like this:

 Someone you thought could never hurt you...
...and someone you thought could really never hurt you.

The truth is, there are sick freaks out there, but there are also sick freaks and jerks that are really good at hiding it, and startling much more the latter. Statistics show that:

  • 2/3 of rapes were completed by someone who knew the victim.
  • 73% of sexual assaults were perpetrated by a non-stranger.
  • 38% of rapists are a friend or acquaintance.
  • None of these numbers really shout "creepy old guy staring you down", but much more "boyfriend you thought you could trust".

Rapists rape, the clothes on our bodies don't... and what one person has had to drink shouldn't define wether or not she is going to have to deal with the pain that one night can cause her for a lifetime. Rape should never be considered okay because it definitely is not.

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